Using online social networks for marketing is different from traditional marketing tactics. It's not just a matter of getting your message out to as many people as possible. This is akin to spamming. The main distinction between traditional online marketing and marketing on online social networks is that effective online network marketing involves relationships. It is not just a matter of pushing your message; it's a matter of having a conversation or relationship with your audience.
Having said that, you may wonder who is your audience. Is it anybody and everybody who will listen? Not exactly. Although you should strive to increase the size of your network, you must keep in mind that you must target influencers within your market. Those people who blog or write, content producers, frequently are more likely to generate buzz about your organization than those who are content consumers. The content producers are the leaders of online networks. You want the leaders on your side.
In short, don't turn down somebody who friends you on an online network like Facebook or MySpace, the two largest network communities. Go ahead and add people who want to be your friends, if they take up too much time and don't provide any value for you, you can unfriend them later. Keep in mind that amongst those friends you add, there may be an influencer or two who will recommend your product or service to others. If you have a system that targets influencers, then you will have used an online network to its fullest potential.
Having said all that, it is vital that your interactions with your online friends are genuine. As soon as you come across as fake or not genuine, whatever goodwill you may have generated will flip into an equal amount of ill-will. Keep it personal and keep it real.
Banawa Marketing, Inc. - VIP Marketing Solutions
Having said that, you may wonder who is your audience. Is it anybody and everybody who will listen? Not exactly. Although you should strive to increase the size of your network, you must keep in mind that you must target influencers within your market. Those people who blog or write, content producers, frequently are more likely to generate buzz about your organization than those who are content consumers. The content producers are the leaders of online networks. You want the leaders on your side.
In short, don't turn down somebody who friends you on an online network like Facebook or MySpace, the two largest network communities. Go ahead and add people who want to be your friends, if they take up too much time and don't provide any value for you, you can unfriend them later. Keep in mind that amongst those friends you add, there may be an influencer or two who will recommend your product or service to others. If you have a system that targets influencers, then you will have used an online network to its fullest potential.
Having said all that, it is vital that your interactions with your online friends are genuine. As soon as you come across as fake or not genuine, whatever goodwill you may have generated will flip into an equal amount of ill-will. Keep it personal and keep it real.
Banawa Marketing, Inc. - VIP Marketing Solutions
Visit the SocialiteTravel.com Nikki Beach Social Network - The Facebook for Jetsetters!
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